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Public Galleries Forum

Thursday 5 December 1-5pm  - Radford Auditorium, AGSA

Free for members Non-members $35



Developed by Play Your Part - Maz McGann


Cultural Conversations + Collaborations  Aboriginal Arts Panel 
A candid discussion about the role of galleries and museums in ethically sharing Aboriginal culture and working and supporting Aboriginal artists. Panelists include Marie Falcinella from Ku Arts and Dr Jared Thomas from the SA Museum.


The Role of Artists and Interdisciplinary Perspectives for Museums + Galleries

Keynote: Rose Hiscock, Director –  Science Gallery Melbourne 
Rose Hiscock is the Director of Science Gallery Melbourne, and Director Museums and Collections The University of Melbourne.  Prior to that she was Director of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (Powerhouse Museum), Australia’s contemporary museum for excellence and innovation in applied arts and sciences.  
Rose will share her insight on the role of artists in interpreting knowledge from a variety of fields in museum and gallery settings and how this builds audiences and participatory models for engagement.


Where to from Here? SA Arts + Culture Plan 
The recent release of the new SA Arts and Cultural Plan marks an important moment for the arts in South Australia and provides a focus for development over the next five years.  Jennifer Layther, Director Arts South Australia will provide an overview of the plan and talk about what’s next. 


Collections + Collaborations Can Old Be New?
Keynote: Louis Le Vaillant Director and Curator of The Johnston Collection

Louis is the Director and Curator of The Johnston Collection in East Melbourne and is dedicated to generating connections to historical and contemporary art, craft and design from around the world. 
Louis will discuss the process of inviting creatives from the visual arts and design communities to re-interpret the Johnston Collection (TJC), and how it has now become a place to inspire art, artists and the community whilst communicating historically relevant stories with a broad demographic.  


Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art: Monster Theatres
A Preview with the Art Gallery of South Australia’s Leigh Robb

The Adelaide Biennial is the country’s longest-standing survey of contemporary Australian Art and will celebrate a 30-year milestone in 2020. Curator Leigh Robb will provide an overview of what to expect in next year’s exhibition featuring some Australian’s most renowned artists.


NETWORKING DRINKS Presented by AMaGA South Australia 

The SA Branch of Australian Museums and Galleries Association is hosting a networking function at the conclusion of the Forum.  All attendees are invited to stay and enjoy light refreshments and a catch up with colleagues.  





@2024 Regional Galleries Association of SA

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